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Migrating from v1 to v2

Why is it important to update?

Version 1 becomes deprecated and unsupported since v2 is released.
New features and bug fixes will be pushed only to v2.

initialCountry has been renamed to defaultCountry

You should rename initialCountry prop to defaultCountry in your codebase:

/* before */
<PhoneInput initialCountry="us" />

/* after */
<PhoneInput defaultCountry="us" />

hideSpaceAfterDialCode has been changed with charAfterDialCode

You should remove hideSpaceAfterDialCode and add the charAfterDialCode prop with the corresponding value, for example:

/* before */
<PhoneInput hideSpaceAfterDialCode={true} />

/* after */
<PhoneInput charAfterDialCode="" />

usePhone hook has been removed

usePhone was removed and now it is not exported from the package entry point.

If you used it for some reason, please change it to usePhoneInput, it should work the same.

onCountryChange callback has been removed

Please remove it, or use the useEffect hook to handle country change:

const { country } = usePhoneInput({
defaultCountry: 'us',

useEffect(() => {
// move your country change logic here
}, [country]);